I go for walks regularly around my neighbourhood and it's full of beautiful tree-lined streets and old houses that are beautifully maintained. It's lush with gardens in summer.
There is a sense of quiet history here, of families that have settled here and grown up here and moved on to make way for new families. When you walk down the street you can't help but feel an irrational reassurance that this place will always be here, will always be like this. Except it hasn't always been like this - things are changing constantly. We may not be able to detect the change in a moment, but it is there. Saplings that someone planted long ago that turned into the giant street trees I enjoy today.
Change is inevitable.
We're renting out our family home, so life is giving me ample opportunity to learn how to embrace change, face it front on with a smile. There is a lot of work to do to make the house ready for strangers. I spoke with Dad's lawyer who made the arrangements with our tenants, The Crofts, and as we discussed what needs to be done, I started to realize what a daunting task is before us. And by us, I suspect I mean me.
Well, I needed a task with a deadline, now I've got one!
Well, I needed a task with a deadline, now I've got one!
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