Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Important Stuff

I am now questioning the brilliance of starting a blog when I have nothing interesting going on in my life.

Sure I've got time to sit here every day and write a blog entry for you, but my most riveting subject matter seems to be “what I had for breakfast” and it is the same every day: eggs and toast. Or I could thrill you with my research on regulations around operating a non-profit and the discovery that what I actually want to do is a charity. Yes? [link]

I’m not one of those people who go out a lot and have adventures. I live a quiet life, deliberately. 

I mean, I do go out - I have friends, but we usually meet up for a dinner or a quiet evening of good conversation and laughs over our nerdy interests - it’s wonderful but not great blog fodder. That’s not really it though - I’m not hung up on what makes good blog content, I mean, it’s my blog, if I wanted to do reviews of books or board games or detail my walks around the neighbourhood, I’d do it. I guess the point is that I want this blog to be about something important in my life, not the trivial, fluffy stuff. And I’m weirdly struggling to find ways to tell you about what’s important.

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